As a Barista/Bartender, you’ll be responsible for picking up the customers' orders, getting them ready and delivering them.

• To find a Barista or Bartender job:
> Open the Travel tab on the dashboard
> Choose a place to work;
> There, click on the Work Rota (the white and blue clipboard icon) to check if there's a Job available at the moment.
- If there is, you'll be able to start right away. Otherwise, you'll join the queue and be notified once it's time to start your shift.
> Tap on Start Job.
- Your shift lasts 3.5 minutes.
- You can serve a maximum of 3 orders.
- You can quit at any time. Just click on the Work Rota and tap Leave Job.

Orders will appear on the bell icon on your left-side dashboard. You can also chat with customers to see if they would like to purchase something.

• To make a drink:
> Tap the coffee machine or drink storage to open the drink selection menu,
> Select Make to prepare the ordered item,
> Collect the drink before delivering it to the customer,
> Approach the customer and select Serve from the action list.

• To prepare food:
> Tap the food cabinet,
> Select Collect to pick up the ordered item,
> Approach the customer and select Serve from the action list.

• You can dispose of items in the trash if they won’t be used.
• If you need help just click the information (i) button.

Good luck!